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About Len Anderson

Len Anderson was born and raised on the San Francisco Peninsula and received his BA and PhD in physics from the University of California, Berkeley. As a physicist he worked in experimental elementary particle physics at Berkeley and in Europe; in private industry he developed sensors for the automation of paper manufacturing. He is a winner of the Dragonfly Press Poetry Competition and the Mary Lonnberg Smith Poetry Award. He and his wife live in Santa Cruz County, California. He is a co-founder of Poetry Santa Cruz and a founding member of Hummingbird Press.

About BEEP
Beep was written in 1992-1993, and was first published by Compact Bone and then by Night Machinery Press, Santa Cruz, California, in 2003. The cover image of the booklet by Night Machinery Press was based on an image of a microprocessor by Adam Hart Davis, available in the DHD Multimedia Gallery.

Copyright 2003 by Len Anderson.

This site was created by End of Greatness, which is just a fancy name for Liz Henry and Danny O’Brien.